Decline of Indus Valley Civilization

Concept Explanation

Decline of Indus Valley Civilization

Decline Of Indus Valley Civilization: The end of the Indus civilization: This advanced civilization appears to have declined suddenly after 2000BCE. Why it declined remains a puzzle, but a few reasons have been suggested. The cities might have been destroyed by earthquakes or floods. The other factor could be the falling quality of the soil due to excessive deforestation. Environment disasters like earthquakes might have caused rivers to change their course. The resulting floods and droughts might have caused crops to fail, and spread epidemics.

There is no general agreement regarding the causes of the breakdown of Harappan urban society.

  • Broadly speaking, the principal theories thus far proposed fall under four headings. The first is gradual environmental change, such as a shift in climatic patterns and consequent agricultural disaster, perhaps resulting from excessive environmental stress caused by population growth and over exploitation of resources.
  • Second, some scholars have postulated more-precipitous environmental changes, such as tectonic events leading to the flooding of Mohenjodaro the drying up of the Sarawati River, or other such calamities.
  • Third, it is conceivable that human activities, such as invasions of tribes people from the hills to the west of the Indus valley, perhaps even Indo-Aryans, contributed to the breakdown of Indus external trade links or more directly disrupted the cities.
  • The fourth theory posits the occurrence of an epidemic or a similar agent of devastation. It appears likely that some complex of natural forces compromised the fabric of society and that subsequent human intervention hastened its complete breakdown.
  • Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

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    Right Option : B
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    Right Option : B
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    Question : 3

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    Right Option : A
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